Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Bipedal Baby

Yes, the joyous/dreaded moment has arrived. Gabriel started WALKING a few steps about a couple weeks ago, and now he is quite good at it. He still enjoys crawling since he can get around faster that way, and the funny knee hop is also a favorite. But he is pushing up to standing on his own and walks across our (admittedly small) apartment all by himself. Walking is not without its trials and tribulations. He falls. A lot. But he's getting good at detouring to a chair or wall to steady himself before he completely loses his balance. What's next? Hiking the Wonderland Trail with Daddy? Running a marathon? Only time will tell what Gabriel will do on two legs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi! I was just checking in to see how he is doing ... we pray for him every day, and my 7-year-old daughter wanted an update ... what a wonderful update I'll be able to share with her tonight!
