Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Irradiating the baby

Well, after much discussion, we did it. We put the baby through an upper GI barium study to try to figure out why his reflux isn't getting better. While the lactulose did do a good job of unconstipating the baby, which also did help his spitting up, he is still having several spitting up episodes a day and sometimes it's so bad he can't breathe for a minute. The Zantac doesn't seem to be helping much.

This is how and upper GI barium study goes:
Don't feed the baby for 4 hours prior to the test. Then he gets dressed in a little hospital gown and is strapped to a backboard with his legs down and his arms up over his head like superman. He's strapped down good and tight because this board is designed to roll... Barium is injected through his g-tube (because we all know he doesn't take much orally) and they proceed to take digital xrays while rolling him onto his side, back on his back, and once almost completely onto his tummy. I think this kid is going to have a deep-seated fear of roller coasters after this.

We heard back from the doctor yesterday. His GI tract and stomach appear normal, so while it's good to hear he's normal, it still doesn't explain barfy baby boy. We have also upgraded his reflux drug to Prilosec. He'll start today, and it takes 3-5 days for full effect. I just want to be able to feed him in a reasonable time frame and be able to do things like put him in his car seat 10 minutes later without a traumatic barf. Putting him on the pump helps, so we are continuing to do that as well.

This is what Gabriel has to say about it all:


  1. My daughter had that done when she was about 1 and had normal results. She was a big vomiter, several times a day, until she was about 2 and a half. She did better on Prilosec than Zantac, if it helps. She eventually mostly grew out of it.

  2. Well, I was kind of hoping that it would show an "a-ha, right there" kind of thing, but I also like the sound of nothing wrong with his digestive tract.
    I think he'll surprise you and LOVE roller-coasters :)

  3. Keeping you in prayer. Sorry you didn't get answers, although I agree with Mimi, "nothing wrong" sure sounds good too. And that video! What a cutie!

